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The Art of Feeling Like a Fraud

July 13, 2024

Sweating through writing an email, check. ✔️
Feeling like a yellow ugly chicken in a room full of warriors, check. ✔️
Impostor syndrome: the never-ending game of 'who let me adult today?'.
It's the enemy of contentment and the best friend of dissatisfaction.

Being humble is one thing, but where does the thin line between humility and thinking you've accidentally joined an expert panel start? Just know, even if I seem confident, I’m probably second-guessing every word. We're all just winging it, and that’s perfectly normal.
Now, back to typing with sweaty palms!😢

Imposter Syndrome
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Chat-bot.py 🤖

June 20, 2024

Ever tried teaching a chatbot how to chat? I did! Built in Python, my chatbot learns from users by storing answers in a KnowledgeBase.
Sounds smart, right? Well, here's the funny part: ask it "How are you?" and it replies, "I am good."
But switch it up to "How's you?" and it’s clueless! 😂😢

Turns out, training a chatbot to recognize every possible variation needs a mountain of data.
Who knew my bot would be so literal? It's a hilarious and enlightening journey into AI quirks.
Check out my code on GitHub and laugh along with me!


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Web Resume

June 06, 2024

I recently took on the task of updating my resume. I tried various resume generators, including AI tools and Canva, and watched a few resume-building videos. Nothing felt quite right.
I realized I was searching for creativity — not in an artistic sense, rather in an unconventional way.
I had a few key requirements: the resume needed to be easy to edit, available online for linking with my website, and easily printable. It also had to reflect the creativity expected from a web developer.
After NOT so much effort🤭, I'm excited to share the result here. 🎉

Web-resume Github

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Time Travel for Dummies: The 10-Second Trips

July 21, 2023

Did you know? "Looking back at our past" is, in fact, a controversial subject. Not more controversial than pineapple on pizza eh.
Some people argue that reflecting on our past helps us push forward, while others claim that the people idealizing about past may have problems going anywhere other than back in time.

But hey, we're not here for philosophical fistfights. Let's take the middle ground and only peek at the past for, like, 10 seconds every... 2 years? Soooo reasonable, right? 😂

My Glorious 10 Seconds of Past-Staring:
• Moved to a new country
• Leveled up my education
• Snagged a European internship he-he-he😏
• Read 5+ books - fiction totally counts!
• Same hair 😢

Conclusion: Based on this highly scientific (and slightly sarcastic) analysis, it's clear a hair change is long overdue. Stay tuned, folks, for a dramatic reveal! (Or maybe not, because commitment issues).♀️

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Learning a new ligustic language!

August 20, 2021

My previous and *utterly enthusiastic* goal was to learn at least 7 lingustic languages.

Now as I am invested in learning Italian, the goal has been cut short to 5 languages for now.😅‍

I am grateful to be a multilingual with English, Hindi and Marathi as the known languages.
Italian is now WIP...💪
But, I am fairly confused between Japanese, Korean or German, as my 5th language.

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The Paint Journal

June 22, 2021

Phew! I was finally able to complete this.

My first ever e-commerce website.

I wasn't given a single painting for *free* even though I made the entire website. What a cruel world. 😪😪

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Family Tree of PL.

May 13, 2021

8,945 is total number of programming languages that ever exisited(applied as of the date of post).

So, is it important or valuable to know all the language as a programmer?
Just like in a family, we really only need a few close ones.😛

Is learning these languages tough?
Only as tough as learning any other skill.
But I can tell you that the 80-20 rules is a real game changer!😎

Family tree of PL
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Pareto principle AKA The 80-20 rule.

April 01, 2021

Simply put; 80% of outcomes (or outputs) result from 20% of all causes (or inputs) for any given event.

‍For instance, we use only 20% of our linguistic skills 80% of the times.🤯
Facts like these is what keeps me up at night. hahah

You can check this amazing Tedx:The first 20 hours -- how to learn anything

The more you learn about it, the more it will blow your mind as to how this applied to every aspect of life.

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Jack Of All Trades, or Master Of One?

March 03, 2021


Masters of one trade might not be so intrigued by this post on which of the two do the companies prefer. But as THE JACK, I was 100% seeking approval via this article.

They have ended it on a diplomatic note that both have their pros and cons. 🤦‍♀️

Here's my summary:
1)The large companies prefer Master of One because they have abundant resources.
2) Startups, on the other hand, love The Jacks. Again the resources scheme.
3) Freelancing demands for you to be The Jack or turns you into one.

Therefore, there's no right or wrong. It's up to personal inclination and goals. :)

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February 27, 2021

thepaintjournal.com To be migrated to the new host.

uvmodernayurveda.com E-commerce page to be implemented and website to be hosted.

Two new domains to be bough and entire website to be implemented.
1) Online clothing store
2) Online educational website

Coming up: A minimalist blogging page. I am still trying to decide if it should be called Tiny Blogs. 🤔

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Power Searching with Google.

February 23, 2021

Yesterday I saw a post on Twitter by George Mack regarding 'Google Search'.

I did a Google search regarding Google search(yes, that happened), and found out that there is an entire paid course called Power Searching with Google. Apparently, they teach you the fundamentals and effective ways of getting the most out of Google search.

But honestly, if we can give it a little time, I am sure, we can learn all these fundamentals with just Google search. Just the kind of irony I like. 😜

BONUS! While seraching for song with that one line you remember:
✅ This will search with equals: "What you know about rolling down in the deep".(Search with quotes)
❌ This will search with contains: What you know about rolling down in the deep.

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Never Give Up!

February 16, 2021

One of the most inspring story by Humans of Bombay. A man who is a model at the age of 62.

This man went downhill after a personal loss in his life. Hit the complete rock bottom and then decided to take charge! Transformed himself, and now he works and lives with joy.

People have said, ‘You are too old.’ Frankly, I don’t listen. I’m 62 & I’ve participated in over 100 shows & countless shoots. Hopefully, my story can inspire people who are struggling to believe that in our ordinary lives, something extraordinary can always happen.

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Purpose and Laziness.

January 30, 2021

The 2020 lockdowns were initially frustrating but eventually just lazy.

Now it is clear to me that I lacked purpose.

In my opinion, our brain seems to laze around and incline towards procrastination less when we have a clear purpose.

These days I don't sleep for more than 7 hours, and Netflix is no longer needed because I simply don't have time for it. 😎

Books for developers.
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Recommended Reading for Developers.

January 17, 2021

"To make better software, you need to understand how people work, and that is what the books I recommend tend to focus on."

So apparently, an average developer reads less than one book a year. 😆

If you need a direction, Jeff Atwood helps us out with his best picks. This is an old post, but still relevant.


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Principles of Writing Consistent, Idiomatic JavaScript.

January 12, 2021

I am all about consistency, but it's not always easy to be mindful of it. I guess I just need to keep trying.


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a LOT of music!

December 31, 2020

Taking short breaks in between of coding or anything TBH? Music got you covered.

Still trying to figure out if there is a way to embed a YouTube Music playlist like Spotify.

YTM music
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December 28, 2020

This is one of the most appealing website I have seen! Specially their /career section!

Them Jobs be dead?
Oh yeah!

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The Absolute Minimum of Unicode.

December 27, 2020

When I came across this old article by Joel, it was confusing to grasp all of those details of Unicode, even though he says it's absolutely basic.


One interesting thing I learned while researching further is that PHP still doesn't support Unicode. But it supports UTF-8. That's good enough, right? I am not qualified or experience enough to say either way.

But, if Unicode is a character set and UTF-8 is encoding, but Unicode also has encoding, then why the comparison? If you know the answer, do let me know here.

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Minimal Blogging.

December 27, 2020

Have to start somewhere, right?

2020 was quite a year, and after a long struggle of trying to understand whether time was moving too slow or too fast, life came into perspective. Earlier I was only thinking, now I put it to life.

It’s also refreshing to have an uninterrupted timeline.

Besides, this is an excellent way of posting minimally. Might even call it Minimal Blogging.